Newspaper article titled There are Evidences that Mr. Sunday Will Come out Winner in Wheaton

There are Evidences that Mr. Sunday Will Come out Winner in Wheaton

cluslvely to church members, but 011 "There are evidences that Mr. Sun day will come out winner in Wheaton Mis criticisms of the Chicago Golf Club may have done some good, for on Sun day only two were on tho links dining the afternoon. All business houses will close at 7 o'clock every evening except Saturday for the meetings The business men have also agreed close Wednesday afternoon, as that a nay of fasting and prayer, with early morning prayer meetings and three preaching services. Mr. Sunday ha engaged Evangelist Conoly to help him here for the next two weeks. Evange list Lyon is also assisting with th meetings. Evangelist Williams will c.ssist in the singing, as will Miss Mary Loritner, of Creston, Iowa, In addi tion to the mixed chorus a children' chorus of 100 voices sings every night "The protracted meeting in attract ing wide attention. Nearly every pas tor within twenty miles of Wheaton has invited his people to attend. A car load of people went from West Chicago the other night, and two ca loads will attend Thursday night Mr. Sunday is preaching almost ex the four occasions when he appeared to the unconverted 113 responded.'