Newspaper article titled Unfriendly Criticism

Unfriendly Criticism

UNFRIENDLY CRITICISM. Occasionally paragraphs arc pub-1 lished in the papers referring to the salaries of choir singers, of preachers and of evangelists. The latter class especially are given prominence. Recently a telegram was sent to the press referring to the donations made to Billy Sunday for his services at a certain poinC , - We are given to fault finding and mnnv of us delight in destroying ttie good, the beautiful and Hie nest oi life though probably not intentionally. U Billy Sunday should make S 100.00 on a horse race, or by election bet or beat a faro bank, there would be nothing said by a large number of those who profess to think: that a preacher or an evangelist should receive a very modest salary. It he should own some steel stock, or an opera house, or run a saloon or gambling den. or be a sport, nothing would be said. "Yet, since Mr. Sunday is engaged in a good work he. is criticised if he receives over two dollars a day Many a lecturer, as able as Mr. and others of his cla paid at the rate of from ?C00 to ?900 per weeic An able attorney in an important case is entitled to a big tee. Because a man is engaged -in a reform or religious movement is no cause for expecting him to give up the ad-vantage of prosperity even in material affairs. As a rule. bis les.ln the pulpits of thi earn a -great deal bigger salar; some other profession. Unless know the motive of a preacher an evangelist we should not charge him with being a hypocrite. He ir put his money Into channels of u fulness that it would not reach nni it passed through his hands. We once lcnew a preacher who did .not need dollar of his salary and-did not use for himself, and yet- every year -asked tor and received an increase salary. He did not tell bis church members that he money for himself, but nevertheless he gave every cent of it away, supported over a score of missioi In India, some in China, and was stantly giving to benevolent and thy causes at home. Had he asked Tils church to contribute a cert; amount they would not have done but they cheerfully paid him a big salary -ana he did the giving. . Mr. Sunday and other. evans-Misi may live on the same principle. Thousands of dollars are annually lost over the gamM-.n 'able., in ..Perry and fi er. should be paid r' - we. would "hear much We are not arguing for or against evangellstB. but we cannot approve or the disposition to be criticising any and everything connected with religious, educational anil benevolent causes. Even though such leaders and orators be hyocrits. and arc earning big wages while preaching, that method of earning money is mare commendable than a number of other methods -which are tolerated. We not ready to question the motives of the hundreds of evangelists and thousands of ministers -who are men of abil ity and integrity, and ho have at iov or 3n 4s