Newspaper article titled We Had Heard of Billy Sunday

We Had Heard of Billy Sunday

of-re-Kgious BILLY SUNDAY. We had heard of "Billy", Sundarwho waa famed from far and near; We wrote to "Billy" Sunday asking would he please come here.' At last the man consented and the gang set np a howl; They "cussed" him for a grafter, and united in a growl. It was "Billy" here and "Billy" there and "Billy" far away; But 'twas "Rev. William Sunday" when he came to town to stay. He came to town to pray, sir, he came to town to slay ; And 'twas "Rev. William Sunday" when he came to town to stay. He came, this "Billy" Sunday, and they listened to his preach; They criticised bis "methods" ; they denounoed hira for his speech. - "I'll fight until hell freezes," he declared in accents nice, "And then I'll buy some skates, sirs, and fight Satan on the ice! " It was "Billy" now, and "Billy" then, and "Billy" all the while; But 'twas "Rev. Mr. Sunday" when his work make Ueaven smile; - -They "cussed" him for his methods, they abused him for his style, But 'twas "Rev. Mr. Sunday" when his work madeHeaven smile. He scared the church card players, and the dancers into fita; He claims himself "A speciaUst in skinning hypocrites," For drunkards to "cut out the booze," and live in decency, He pitched into the whiskey gang, and made a mighty plea. So 'twas "Billy" this and "Billy" that all up and down the land, ' But it's "Rev. Mr. Sunday" who has proved so brave and grand; v Why he let that gang cry "Billy! " we can never understand, For it's "Rev. Mr. Sunday" who has proved so brave and grand. , The growlers changed their music when they met him face to face The liars who cried "Grafter! " swallowed it with bitter grace"; . ' --For "Billy" stood for decency, till scores of sinners came . To hear about his Jesns, and share in Him to claim. It was "Billy's just a grafter!?' and "Billy's mighty odd! ", But it's -"Revr Mri Sunday 'Mfhen he points your soul to God! 1 They lied from every corner--they cursed the ground he nod, . But it's "Revv Mr. Sunday" who has led the town toward God. And now hla work Is ended, and the town he bids good-bye; - With s prayer in fryery bosom and a tear in every eye ; He has fought for God Almighty, who has never lost a fight, , And is followed by the blessings of the souls he led to light. r If was "Billy" this and "Billy" that, and "Billy" everywhere, But it's "God bless Mr. Sunday!" that is now heard in the air; He turned the growl to song, sirs, the curse into a prayer; 1. And it's "God blessM. Sunday I" that is now heard in the air. Worthtngtonv Minn. r -, Putnam Palmer, '