Newspaper article titled Will Build Tabernacle

Will Build Tabernacle

WILL BUILD TABERNACLE. Rev Oscar Lowry Leads in a Laudable Movement. The followiug petition is being circulated for subscriptions: In consideration of the sale of ouo hundred (100) shares at five ($5) dollars each, we whose uaines are hereunto subscribed agree to take the number of said shares set opposite our names for the purpose of creating a guarantee fund for the erection of a tabernacle with the seating capacity of 1,200 for the uuion revival services to be held in Fairmount beginniug March 20 aul coutiuuiug four weeks, conducted by W. A. Sunday, of Chicago, assisted by his special singer. Collections will be taken at each service to be appled on the guarantee fund. By order of the finance and buiMing committee. Oscar Loory, C. R. Small, Carl P. Rai H. M. Crillet.