Double Irony, Visual Delight, and a Missed Opportunity
This is an interesting article that I found on the internet. Read the full post here.
I never knew there was a comic adaptation of C. S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters . It was published in 1994 and it has an introduction by Niel Gaiman . Brenton Dickieson reviews it on a Pilgrim in Narnia. Here is his conclusion:
As a medium for capturing what Lewis was trying to do for Christian spirituality, it takes a risk that could undercut itself. The grotesque is “cute,” and thus shares the danger of parody in the way that it might push the line from the witty to the ridiculous. The cover is a case in point, where the “Danger! Prayer!” sign next to the square-jawed, clean-cut white kid oozes 20th-century American Christian pop culture cheese. And in an already extremely brief book, bringing The Screwtape Letters down to 60-70% of the published text thins out much of the weight of the text and puts a tarnish on its brilliance.